
Have you ever felt like you don't know what's going on anymore. Like you don't care about anything anymore. You've lost motivation to do anything. Your mind is set on too many things, that you are confused about your feelings, and you can't explain how you feel either. The feeling of emptiness, and feeling that barely anyone is there for you. Feeling that no one understands you anymore. And it seems like there is nothing to look forward to anymore.

6 Kommentare:

  1. Der Blogname gefällt mir sehr! :)

  2. Wow, wieder mal sehr schön geschrieben :D

  3. Hallöchen. (:
    Wie geht es dir?
    Lange nichts mehr gehört. ♥

  4. ich hab dich getaggt:)
    ich hoffe dir geht es gut.? <3

  5. Hey du,
    ich mag deinen Blog echt gerne♥.
    Ist mal was anderes ;)
    Du hast gleich mal ne neue Leserin, die du nicht mehr so schnell los wirst ;D
    Liebe grüße :)

